Friday, January 28, 2005

iCon Artist

Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
Oh dear lord kill me now, for this work is mind-numbingly boring. And I'm not very good at it at all. No, icons are certainly not my forte. I have no patience for the tiny, miniscule movements, the microscopic refining that's involved with icons or fonts. Nope, I'm a bigger man than that! I need big shiny things with crazy colors and eye-catching wizz-bang effects.

When it comes to icons I am plain no good. But let me ask you this; What has two thumbs and doesn't give a crap? ME!

$300 bucks later the client gets their icons. At least it's light purple. That always looks good in a book. ALWAYS!


PS. I will here nothing of the poor production. Nothing I say! That means _you! And yes, I am well aware that the stroke of the lightbulb is WAY fatter than all the other strokes. But if I was gonna change it, it'd be for the clients, and not the likes of you (eyes squint... stares at adversary with contempt)


Anonymous said...

Seriously, those icons suck ass. And I know a thing or two about ass-sucking! But my question is: what do they mean?

Elliott Scott said...

Ok, since you asked nicely:
1. Refer to corresponding PDF document
2. Refer to PowerPoint slide
3. Refer to hyperlink
4. Ask for help
5. Remember this - it's important
6. Self Assesment checkpoint
7. Discuss with peers
8. Role Playing
9. Think about this
10. Activity
11. Read this section
12. Observe
13. Talk to teacher

They're from top to bottom, reading down the column. Then go across. If you couldn't figure that out, you are an idiot. THAT'S IT: Let's go... outside! Don't make me roll up my sleeves!