Sunday, January 23, 2005


Me Too
Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
Minor adjustments. Moved the 'me' over a little, it was a bit too close before. Removed some of the bubbles, they were too cluttered, and adjusted the colors. Not sure what color the shirt should be actually, I'm not a big fan of white, and the image doesn't work well on anything dark, this might be a bit too dark. Although I reduced the contrast between dark and light areas, and think that looks a bit better.


Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
Blah blah blah, the new Mapple iPod shuffle. Although it looks cool, and I want (being the consumer whore that I am [and how]), that's not the point of this post.

Every week Elliott (who I am) goes through a little crush. This weak [spelt wrong on purpose] it's the iPod shuffle model. She's cute. Although perhaps a bit to Jennifer Garner-ish, with the strong chin. But she has an iPod! My emotions are all confused!? Anyway, a random and pointless post.

i'd like to shuffle her iPod. Or something like that?? So at any rate; if you're reading this iPod shuffle model, do you want to go out some time? I think you're cute, and shirley you must think I'm cute [just look at that sexy cartoon of me!]


Anonymous said...

Elliott it's me, the iPod shuffle model! I do think you're sexy, and I do want to go out with you. I'm certainly not you posting anonymously, trying to impress your friends. I repeat, I'm not you, I am the iPod shuffle model. My name is kjgfkgd. Let's go out some time! Here is my phone number 555 9401, and being a 555 number, it must be real!

Elliott Scott said...

Linus, what are you talking about? Good mission? GUY? I don't know what kinda kinky sex games you're into, but although missionary may be exceptable, guys aren't. Sorry to crush yer hopes and dreams, but it's only gonna be me and her. Sorry buddy, no tag-teaming for you!


Elliott Scott said...

I mean ACCEPTABLE not exceptable. Me fail english? That's unpossbile!