Wednesday, January 26, 2005


I just removed a post of mine. I said that I'd be happier this year, and I am gonna keep trying. This blog has ended up replacing a physical journal I kept for a while, and because of that it contains some private stuff that was never actually intended to be read. I know, I know, it will be read... so perhaps I shouldn't have posted it. I wish no-one read it. But someone did; Terin. He was (I mean: IS [he's not dead]) my first friend. And somehow, even after not seeing him for 13 years he's still a good friend. He usually gives me some good advice, and I thank him for that. So he read the post, said some nice things, some inspiring things... but nonetheless, I still wish I hadn't have posted it in the first place. A moment of weakness. I have to many of them, I'd better start controlling myself more.

I'm Elliott Scott, a lone tear rolls down my face, signing off.

PPS. My ass is seriously sculpted. Like an ancient Greek statue or somethin.
PPPS. It's not really. It's normal. .... uh ... not that I check other guys asses on a regular basis (looks side to side frantically for an excuse!)
PPPS. Please don't combine the first and third post script and draw a conclusion. I like chicks, I swear.
PPPPS. I don't hide behind humour. I don't! Stop looking at me like that!

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