Saturday, February 26, 2005


Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
This is more a test than any real attempt for artistic expression. Last time I submitted a generic American state shirt, and they bought it. This time is a generic quirky resturant shirt. Let's see what they think.

Before I send it in I'm gonna change the typeface, I am sick of Rosewood. I miss my fonts. They may be shit, but they were my friends.


PS. Yes, I am aware that none of the 3 elements of the resturant go together at all: Arab culture, pizza and polish food.


Anonymous said...

if you are submitting this to a US company, sadly i think it will get rejected. Most of us americans at this point want nothing to do with arabic people, let alone parade them around on our shirts. its the trust, and its sad. but i love the shirt, the drawing is great, and i happen to like to letters. But maybe change it to "Shabby Samurai?" we do love samurais over here.. - terin

Elliott Scott said...

Shabby Samurai?! Whah? No, no no.... the whole point was the pun; Shabby Chic. You know, taking old dirty stuff and making it cool. It's like a total interior designer thing, and stuff. Like, ohmagod.

Anyway, I think you're right about the Arab thing, but then again, maybe I can start a political movement. Maybe. I have a lot of clout.

Anonymous said...

i get it, i get it. but A) 99.9% of Americans are stupid, therefore they wont get it, and B) well yeah, we just fuckin hate arabs right now, because as stated before, we're stupid. trust me. if I wore that shirt in public, id get dirty looks, and im sure a few people would stop to give me a piece of their mind and call me a terrorist. seriously. i mean, ive had a couple of fuckers give me the finger when im driving because of my "give peace a chance" and "War is over if you want it" stickers in the back car window. I had balding middleage jackass in a jag tell me to "go fuck peace." fuckin idiots here man.

Anonymous said...

ya know, the only way that shirt would work in america is if the sketch of the arab gentleman was some simple cartoon of a heavily beared man with a giant turban, huge sword, crossed eyes, and flies surrounding him to imply an unpleasant odor. then we could at least laugh at it and feel comfortable in the national insecurities that the current administration has tricked us all into following.

Anonymous said...

Hey cheezoid i check often and saw your designs up there today and they look pretty awesome - go mulletino, i'm jealous and thought u would prob like to know that! boi

elvira [-_-]

Elliott Scott said...

T - yeah, America is stupid. But you do raise a good point. I think I will make it a samurai.

E - He he he, mission accomplished. ^_^

Elliott Scott said...

Oh yeah, and for the record: The photo I traced the picture from (yes I admit it, I'm a tracer) is that of Rudolph Valentino in The Sheik. Perhaps THE most loved actor of all time. He still has people crying over his death and on his tomb every year, and he died a good 70 years ago, if not more...