Monday, February 14, 2005


Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
Here is one of MANY different illustrations I'm to do for a hospitality textbook for Southbank Tafe. I dunno. They like the silliness (which is suprising, and really groovy) and the Asian styled character. So yeah, it may be boring to look at, but at least there are about 50 of them!

And I've got to do some photoshopping, and best of all: COVER DESIGNS! WOW! You know what that means, I'll have moved from the realm of mere t-shirt drawer guy, to the magical world of textbook cover maker*

*Notice the lack of words like 'artist', 'designer' 'illustrator'. Those terms are for adults, or skilled folk. I'm not sure where I lie in that split.

So yeah anyway, here is a mathematical expression to explain it all in stupidgerbra:

B + E + P = ~2500CC

B - Boring assignments
E - Ease of drawings
P - Patience
CC - Sound of cash registers "Chick-ching"


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