Friday, February 04, 2005


Yep, it's confirmed completely now.... They want all the most recent 8 designs of shirts, paying a total of US$1210 (which is just shy of AU$1600) which is flippin' sweet. So good to finally have a confirmed bit of income. But it's only a wee bit, and won't last very long. But nonetheless COOL FOR ME! Hooray. (got remember to stop counting my chickens) So yeah, as soon as I get my cheque, you'll be looking at a true professional t-shirt designer's website. And there's not very many of them. Sigh.

All is well in the land'o Ez. All I need now is a motorbike, a sexy chick to ride around on said motorbike with me, and a lifetime supply of taco's. And by that I DO mean taco's. I just love taco's. Taco's are good.


1 comment:

Elliott Scott said...

HA HA HA HA !!!! Ownership, oh man, that is hilarious! There is no way they'd let my still own the design, no way in hell. I'm just some doe-eyed punk, who is lucky to get his big break. They're doing me a favor as they see it. No, no, no... If I was working FOR them that'd be one thing, but as a freelancer no way.

The upside is this: They pay $150 per design on average, which is okay if you look at it in a freelance way, not great, but ok. If I was on staff I might make $30 an hour... and some of those designs only took a matter of minutes (like the Whyoming one) ... Freelance that works out to be well over a thousand per hour for that shirt, or only a couple dollars if I was on staff.

Its a give-take, love-hate relationship. No job security, fixed income, or snazzy business cards, but I can work whenever I need to, whenever I WANT to, and take as many breaks as I like.

WOW! A big long essay for such a simple question. The answer boils down to this: I AM A HE-WHORE! and proud of it.