Tuesday, February 15, 2005

S of a B

Two things are making me annoyed at the mo'
1. My internet is going CRAZY slow. It boggles the mind how slow its going.
2. I didn't get paid for those illustrations. I was supposed to have gotten paid. I didn't. And now I'm XTREMELY broke. TO THE X-TREME! I have a whopping $0.06 in my bank account. WOW! It hurts. My account is hungry, its tummy is rumbling.
It Gorac. It want food.

So yeah, I'm a bit P'd O. Hopefully tomorrey I'll be paid. and at the end o'the month my internet speed will be back to normal. AND hopefully my phone won't but cut off because I haven't paid the bill. It's about a week over due now. Shirley they send a second notice, then a third, then a final, and then the hands on service that can only be offered by hired goons.

Hired goons?

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