Friday, February 25, 2005


Hey. I heard back from the shirt people. They want another 5 designs at least... and probably an on-going thing every month or so another 5. Which rocks!

So I guess that goes to show _ even though I may be a slut, and pander to the lowest common denominator (politcal america state shirts) I am still making money. I'll be an artist once I have some money together, at the moment ... 'wanna party?! Sucky sucky 5 dollah'. I don't care.

Besides, the designs aren't THAT bad... the Texas at least looks strong, and the contrast is good. And the Meanpeace one is just plain silly. So :^P --- Put that in your high-and-mighty pipe and smoke it!


1 comment:

Elliott Scott said...

Angry - Of course a whale wouldn't smile. That's just plain silly. Can whales even smile if they wanted to? I don't think so.

And of course "Don't blame Texas" refers to George W Bush.

And cool about the gig! Gigs are cool. And therefore by being in a gig, you must be cool. Coolness all-round!