Friday, February 11, 2005


Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
Here is an idea I've been mulling around in my head for a while. It's for everyone's favourite disgruntled musician; Angry. He asked me/ I offered to help him develop a logo for his band.

And this is what I've come up with.

I'm not keen on this font yet, I wanted something nicer, more geometric, like a superhero would have... but I haven't developed it yet. So gimme a breka.

But the logo is OBVIOUSLY based on the superman logo. It's about the most Super thing there is. And coincidentally the shape of the S resembled a chickens head in profile. I played around with a few ideas, and this being the simplest is perhaps the best. I can't show you the others; I burnt them! In the great fire of ought 5.

The colors are cool, but not the most legible, so they'll change too! But it's good fer the site. And isn't that what's most important? Clients being happy? Good design? Me being content with the ideas? NOPE! The blog.

All hail the blog. IESSO

1 comment:

Elliott Scott said...

I'm double checking it now, and there are a few things I'm gonna change:

- The beak is in the wrong place. It's both too low compared to the 'eye' and it just plain breaks the lines...

- The horizon lines are utter crappola! I'm gonna fix dem up too.

- And, well... I just plain suck, so I might try to fix that as well. Doubtful though...