Friday, February 04, 2005


Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
To quelch any rumours about how I simply reversed the line and fill mode of the instruments, YES I did. Thats all I did. I'm very lazy. And also somewhat nostalgic, I didn't wanna change my original design. I liked it. I was holding onto it.

Or some other bullshit that might be more believable. And in any case, no-one would realise that except a _few. But who cares? No I. Actually I do. I'm a bit upset about having to alter this one.

Oh well, the perils of slutitude return!

Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
I've been staring at the other version for nearly an hour, thinking, my heart slightly sinking. It just isn't as cool as the original version. I needed to change it a bit, make it POP! So in a flash of brilliance (yeah right) this is what I did. Reduced the number of colors from 3 (black, white, red) to 2 (white and red). It looks better now, the wheels and handle don't dissapear.


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