Monday, February 28, 2005


Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
In the history of Elliott spending his money on stupid crap he didn't need, the iPod shuffle is right up there. It's just a smaller version of the perfect iPod I have now... except it doesn't have a screen, it only holds 100 songs and it's extremely easy to loose. So why did I buy it? And why am I smiling? It is the coolest thing EVER! It's so small, it's the size of a pack of gum. And weighs less than the headphones that come with it! And the battery lasts ages! And in any given trip I'd most likely want to only listen to a particular playlist, and my playlists are never longer than 6 hours.

So basically it is groovy. I reckon everyone should have one, whether they've got an iPod or not, they're cool. I'm gonna buy some for my parents. They'd like that!


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