Monday, July 25, 2005


Does anyone know what ever happened to Austin Powers? Why no talking about it except in muted tones? It wasn't that bad, it was good... right? And on related note: What was Dr Evil talking about when he said "About that and a bag of potato chips"? Some sort of pop reference I missed, and I pride myself on pop culture knwoledge. Pride!

So anyway: I have done absolutely nothing today. NOTHING! Didn't go to class, didn't go to Liveworm, didn't even get out of bed. Why: because I felt like it? I dunno, I just didn't. To make up for it I might work on that freelance stuff I gotta do. But maybe not... I'll keep you posted. Get it! Post!!!! Oh man, blog jokes, the new lowest form of humour.


PS. Yeah, that probably was the original meaning and the phrase turned full circle.


I like the idea of a sincere and tragic poster of a missing trivial object. Someone loves their stuff so much that anything they lose gets equal importance to say a dog or cat.


I submitted the "Mix Tape" shirt to I'm nearly certain I won't get selected for 2 reasons.
1. It's not in the same sorta style as the 'look-at-me-I'm-trying-to-be-quirky illustration style that they seem to like. Which I for one don't like, I'm really sick of it. Actually this whole indie-scene thing with the embracing your nerdish ways seems to be getting annoying. And also...
2. It's crap.

But back to my rant: Yeah, I'm getting f*ing fed up with vector graphics these days. What the hell is wrong with everyone, can they not see that they're not being original. Quirky vector graphics are about as quirky as vanilla ice cream. Go to threadless and you'll see what I mean. They're cool I guess, but not as cool as they think they are. And I'm not saying anything I do is any better, it's just that there is something wrong with the vector graphics trend at the moment.

For some reason I'm really pissed off today. I think Linus's annoyed-ness has rubbed off on me, or something. He was pissed off at the uni system, and disillusioned with the design scene. I think I might be as well. At design, not the uni. The uni is too crap to be annoyed at. It's like being pissed off at a mentally retarded kid with no arms or legs because he doesn't play baseball very well.