Wednesday, July 27, 2005



Okay, here is an image I'm planning on submitting to, but I need some help before I do. The gummi bear doesn't quite look 'gummi' enough. I dunno what it is, he's not shiny enouogh, or transluscent or something, so I thought maybe you guys could help.

Gimme any suggestions no matter how stupid they are.


PS. Also working on a mummy with toilet paper stuck to his shoe. Like the concept of these goofy things.


Okay, so I slighty modified things, adding bubbles, changing the shadows + highlights and a few minor shape mods. Which color looks best? Should I perhaps do 6 gummi bears walking in line with the last stepping in gum? Dunno bout this. Less impact that way, but more colors. Oh, nevermind, I've got a 4 color limit.

PPPS. I just downloaded a clip of the Disney cartoon show: The Adventures of the Gummi Bears. It's generic late-80s cartoon crap, of course, except there is one MAJOR problem. The bears aren't actually made of gummi. I know! It's crazy. But they do bounce, which I guess makes sense. No, wait, it totally doesn't.


Lastly; this is funny for many reasons. From the Simpsons episode with the Gummi Venus de Milo. Which by the way was hand crafted from artisans who work exclusively in the medium of gummi.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I vote he's too shiny. Soften up the highlights. I like the image though i'd never wear it because I just hate gum.