Thursday, July 07, 2005


Your Momma

SORYI: Your mum's crap.
ME: NO! Your mom is crap.
SORYI: Yes, I know, but your mum is crap too.


A power-nerd came in to the office to fix my computer. Aside from making it worse he also tried beating me in his gizmotics.
NERD: Oh is that an iPod shuffle?
ME: Yeah....
NERD: I had one of those, but I sold it, it wasn't good enough for my audiobook listening. I listen to extreme audiobooks*.... big thick ones.... so the shuffle isn't good.
ME: Uhuh. Well I just use it for transfe...
NERD: You should get an iPod mini.
ME: Well I hav...
NERD: The mini saves the places on audiobooks..... (etc etc etc, he goes on and on about this crap)

The nerd-techie guy also went on a good ol' rant about how inferior PC's and Macs are compared to Linux systems. But thats such a cliche I'm not gonna bother repeating it.

**EXTREME AUDIOBOOK LISTENING! New events in the Playstation X-GAMES: Audiobook listening, whining, working 14 hour work days! Take reality---T0 THe XTReMe!



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