Saturday, July 02, 2005



HEY LOOK! IT'S MY SELF DOUBT IN MUPPET FORM (Not quite a mop, not quite a puppet, but man... so to answer question: I don't know). Concept for the drawing [concept?!?] is that you don't quite know who's saying this, and when you scroll down it all makes sense. Unless you have high res monitors because you think you're better than society. Cough cough; Glen+Linus. Oh man, I think I might be getting a cold. I keep coughing names.

ANYWAY, I'm in a muppety mood tonight. Dunno why. I guess they're just fun. Kind silly, kinda innoscent and kinda really corrupt. You sorta watch them fading in and out of believing the puppets are real and fake. It's an odd sorta genre. And no, I'm not on any sort mind-altering drugs. Other than the normal ones that is.


PS. Serious about that ball-game. Read post below.

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