Sunday, July 10, 2005

POST 373


I can't sleep for some unknown reason. This is the fourth night in a row where I've woken up at 12.30am. It's starting to annoy me. I went to get some sleeping pills the other day and it didn't help. I took one before I went to bed and got up at 11.30. I took another one to get me back to sleep, but it's now 5.00am and I still am not asleep.

I have the sneaking suspicion that they don't give depressed people sleeping pills....

Anyway I want to do another painting. Above is the general plan of what I want. I'll post a picture of the final thing when/if I manage to finish it. I'll do it at work tomorrah. In theory. If I don't fall asleep during the day... which is more than likely.

Ok my peeps, catcha on da' flipside yo! e-dog out.

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